Monday, May 4, 2015


Well it has been a fascinating month or so…and I am in that strange ‘between’ place in which the new things I am working on have not fully taken shape, while most of the clients I still had in the aftermath of the accident have completed their coaching.  At the end of May it will be two years, and I am still dealing with the physical, emotional and financial fallout, though I will say that I am finding ways to amuse myself and stay optimistic-excited, even- as I forge ahead.

Take the last ten days for example…I woke with a sore throat on the day I just ‘happened’ to have a follow up doc appointment and discovered I had strep. Yippee. Fortunately,  though I have had  bad reactions , the antibiotic I was given only had one  um, glaring side effect… I had the worst gas –ever. Really, every time I sneezed, coughed, rolled over, bent down, reached for something, or blew my nose- I farted. It became hysterical.   Even though I didn’t get much done, I was definitely  entertained by my own toot-fest, and got through the week with the help of side splitting giggle fits, that followed the long notes of my musical affliction. (assfliction?)


Anyway, though I generally don’t  “Toot my own horn” as it were, (sorry) I’m going to share a little of my inner process with you because the new direction I'm heading is very exciting.    Multiple dreams, articles, synchronicities, conversations, books, symbols and intuitions have been guiding me on this journey…and yet there is always the struggle to let go of the old and take on the new.  I have spent wondering if I ought to just stop what I’m doing period. No more coaching.   Work for somebody else. (Ha!) Then my mind clears and I realize that I simply must come to a complete stop before heading in a new direction. And so I have.


I am stepping into my life as a Crone, a Grandma, a Wise Woman- and as such I feel called to help restore some measure of balance to the lives I touch and the communities I am part of. To  consciously and deliberately help women and men disentangle from the societal pattern of fear and gender based domination and return to compassion centered relating and problem solving

I am being guided and educated ... seeing how we unwittingly participate in the very things we say we loathe, and learning to create clear steps that we can take in our lives, families and communities to make a real difference. We can change our society for the better and restore a measure of hope to the future.  That’s what I want to do. That’s what I am going to do. And I can’t do this by myself.  I am partnering with a like-minded talented friend to co-create communities of support, workshops and much more…. I also invite YOU to join me. The first workshop that will be coming in July.  Stay tuned for more information coming soon. 
 And next time you toot...feel free to think of me and laugh!