Thursday, June 18, 2009

Come on...this is your invitation to ask me questions! You can post to the 'comments' any question you want. Whether you want advise or have a subject you want explored, or hell, even if you have a personal question about me that you want answered, I'm good with that too. Let's have some fun and get a conversation started. Anyone, Anyone??

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tell Yourself, "OK Bring It On!"

Well the class I just finished facilitating really kicked my ass !
Sometimes I get criticism from my clients, not about my work or the quality of my coaching but because they seem to think that I 'should' be wealthy and I 'should' be thin and that if I was 'that good' well, damn it, I would be.
Sometimes I have bought into those judgments and have tormented myself with those thoughts. I decided that I needed someone to kick my ass the same way I kick ass and so I created the Intent Group, because I figured that if I did the same 'homework' I gave other people, my own life would change because I'd uncover some of my own lingering unconscious self sabotage...well, BOY OH BOY...
In the past ten weeks I have experienced a revolution of consciousness. Early on a friend died suddenly from a brain tumor that she thought was a sinus infection, making me intensly aware of the gift of my life exactly as it is. She had plenty of money and was zealous about looking perfect and having not an extra pound on her. Was she happier than I am? Did she live long and prosper? No. . . I got to thinking about my unused potential, about how I was playing small and so I consciously said to that vast ocean of awareness deep in myself... " OK, BRING IT ON!"
My meditation CD got produced. I visited my daughter in Denver, went to California to make a music CD, scheduled a trip to visit a friend in Oregon, started an extensive fitness program different from everything I've done in the past, got exactly the help I needed to revise my web site, placed ads for my CD, got excellent advise from friends, signed up for a training program in CRV (that's Controlled Remote Viewing) , had my first experience ever with Jury Duty during which the judge asked me to analyze her handwriting (yeah, no shit) , and even overcame my tecnological fear enough to start this blog. Well...

No I have not made my first million bucks, and yes my ass is still as wide as a barn door...but money and a sveldt healthy bod are no longer goals ." What?!", I hear you gasp... No, they are both results that I have no doubt will naturally occur as I continue down this new road I'm on.

I am am excited about what I am doing every day all day long. I am happy. I have many excellent intelligent people in my life and I have finally started asking the right people the right questions. Something has definitely shifted in my experience of myself and I am still saying " OK BRING IT ON !" because I feel like I'm just getting started.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Getting The Ball Rolling

Well here I am writing my very first blog post, ever. I will be sharing my ideas, practices and discoveries about reducing stress, relating to people, being happy, and overcoming obstacles of all kinds. I am inviting you to submit your questions, issues and insights for discussion.

Since I was a very young girl, people walked up to me and revealed things about their lives and their difficulties, their secret hopes and sometimes even their deepest fears. As I grew up, my life's work naturally focused on the mysteries of human nature. I wanted to know what made some people in a terrible situation become strong, while others fell apart. What I know is that we human beings are far stronger and far more powerful than most of us realize, more than many of us even WANT to know, because with that realization comes responsibility. When we know that we are in charge of our lifes, we have to stop pretending that we are victims of circumstance, of fate, and of our parents. The good news is, that we are then truly free to be who we are, as we are- without any need to explain, defend or justify how we think and feel. The older I get, the more I relax about life and whatever it may bring. What about you?