Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Experiencing Love As Reality

Love is reality. I am certain of it. I have been thinking about that, feeling and experiencing the essence of it for weeks. It’s a thought I’ve often had and sometimes, and I don’t know why or how, some switch gets flipped and I experience the truth of it. Sometimes for a few days, or a few weeks I live in the experience of it, as if I can feel the light-the electricity and magnetism- that we and all things are made of. One day I hope that switch stays flipped and I live out my days filled with the wonder and pleasure, the bright joy and peace and inspiration of it.

All humans want to love and be loved. Everything else is secondary. That’s really all there is. It is not a secret, yet allowing that to occur is the secret of life. Allowing love. It’s everywhere, truly.

If we love, and allow others to love us, and help ourselves to give and receive that which we long for most by quieting our minds and interrupting the stream of rules, shoulds, perfectionism, expectationism, score keeping, intellectualizing and judgment…we can and will experience that golden experience, not just once or with one person, but each day, in multiple ways…through many of our encounters. Contact…Giving and receiving acceptance, is love. I’m not talking about the romanticized dramatic version of love that borders on pain and lives in dread and fear of loss, or the mind shattering ten second orgasm expression of love…that’s good too…and…I’m talking about something older, deeper, longer lasting, more easily accessible anywhere, nearly anytime we choose. It is an experience of recognition. Or as it was expressed recently on the biog screen “ I see you”. Love is awakening to our Connection that is primal and foundational-and real.

My friend Dan Winter, once a researcher for the HeartMath ™ Institute calls this fundamental experience “Lo-phi” or in geek speak, “the recursive golden mean wave form structure of light and magnetism out of which all reality is generated.”

Another friend, Whitley Strieber, said it more simply in his recent newsletter when he wrote: “I think that love is the same among all creatures, that it is the hidden essence of reality itself, and that everything that does not contain it is a sort of illusion. Love is reality.”

Yes my friends. I wholeheartedly agree.

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