Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Yes it HAS been a long time since I have posted. Essentially, I have been in the process of reinventing myself, listening carefully to my dreams and that small but oh-so-persistent inner guide that triggered the realization which led to this inner revolution. I am about to completely revise my website, change the way I work with people and radically alter the seminars and training programs I offer. My site will be far more interactive and I will offer down-loadable monthly visualizations and meditations, share a ritual practice from a different tradition every month, and provide an interactive format, probably through Facebook...

My purpose? First, to help people open the gates between their conscious and unconscious minds, restoring dreams and intuition to their rightful place in our system of intelligence, and through that avenue, create a smoother, richer, more engaging and creative practice for individuals to quickly and powerfully change their lives for the better and restore balance to their families, create conscious communities and ultimately positively impact the world.

The coaching, programs and on line support I offer will help you create a more conscious and lively communication with the mysterious, the numinous, the deepest part of awareness through which we are connected to each other and to all that is. When we learn to communicate with the world behind the world, helpers arrive, doors open, synchronicity, dreams and symbols provide direction, and our lives transform. Not change incrementally in half step plodding linear fashion…but transform.

If you want to engage with life more fully, rise to the challenge of unleashing much more of your potential, uncover your hidden talents, and share that new found energy and passion with your family, your community and the world, here is a place to learn how to enter into Becoming a potent more authentic version of yourself- the YOU that you have always known you could be.

I am very excited and I invite you to come on this journey with me. Look for weekly posts as the new site is built and the first programs and on line resources become available!

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