Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Instead of making resolutions, setting goals and making decisions that you Think You Should Be Making to Change What You Think You Should Be Changing, what if you did something revolutionary? Something that would utterly transform your perception of yourself, others and the world at large...

What If you decided to choose Beauty in all things….and allow whatever revealed itself to you in that moment of choice to guide you? What might you experience? What attitudes might you foster? What emotions might you linger in, fuel and feed with laughter or kindness? Where might you go? What new friends might you make? What hidden Beauty in others might you uncover? What Beauty might be hiding in the dark places within you? What stark and barren landscape of the mind might reveal a beautiful longing that could be followed?

Beauty. Just saying the word is calming. Warming. Lovely.
 You can trust Beauty to open you up, take you down new roads, raise you up to new heights and show you uncharted depths.  You can trust Beauty to simultaneously tame your racing mind and set your Wild creative self, free.  Beauty surrounds us, exists within us, speaks through us.

 Beauty can be found in the usual conventions of course, the beauty of Nature, of Music, of Art…what if you chose Beauty and in that choosing you found yourself lingering over a many a sunrise, walking through a lush forest, wandering into some new place because the beauty of music called you forth? 

What if choosing Beauty led you to hanging out with people who really ‘get’ you…or inspired you to travel to the Grand Tetons, or to Paris, or to sit in your own back yard under your own old oak tree, or to rock in the neglected rocking chair?

Beauty has magic and power in it.  It is a Gateway to Wonder and Mystery. It contains pleasure, and love, kindness and honesty, and living in the moment…for all of these are expressions of Beauty. Even the Beauty found in despair, or disaster serves the purpose of healing and of leading us back Home.

Beauty is always a true Ally.  Far more reliable than the assessments of the mind. A better compass than the shoulds we flit after until we’re dizzy, confused and lost.

To have a singular guide in the New Year such as Beauty, would mean allowing your choices to flow like a great river returning to its Source…for that which calls us, and that which creates us is Beautiful.

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