Saturday, March 19, 2016


People often tell me things they won’t tell other people for fear they’d be laughed at or ridiculed.   Many times, the experiences they relate have a mysterious quality…something that expanded the way they think of the way reality works. Lately, I have realized how very important it is that these experiences are heard, validated and explored.  Not because we will explain or solve them, or even fully understand them, but because if they are denied and ignored we are robbed of their value. Mysterious yet real experiences  impact our lives, sometimes in profound ways.  When we consider that our Deep Mind, our subconscious mind, is the part of our awareness making the vast majority of our decisions (even though we believe otherwise) it would be wise to begin attending to the information and experiences which come through its gates.

“ Your conscious mind is like a tiny stowaway on a transatlantic steamship, taking credit for the journey without acknowledging the massive engineering underfoot.” INCOGNITO, The Secret Lives Of The Brain by David Eagleman

 Sure, some people are nuttier than a convention of squirrels. I’m talking about hearing very credible people, among them, policemen, doctors and nurses share incredible experiences of visits from the dead, dreams warning of a disaster, synchronicities that led them down a certain path, precognitive visions, and much weirder tales. 
I am writing this blog to tell you plainly, that these mysterious events we  have are real…That our reality is embedded in a larger deeper reality, and that we can awaken more consciously to this interplay between the seen and unseen worlds.  As we do this, we evolve.  This is not supernatural or paranormal woo-woo…it is the next step in our development as human beings to integrate more of the information (signals, frequencies, realities) that lie just at the edges of our perception. 
 There are PLENTY of things that are quite real that we cannot see or hear. Ask any scientist if you want a quick education in the limitations of our sensory system compared to the input that’s available.  Yet, it is the nature of our minds to develop, grow, expand and evolve…and I am inviting you to ‘step out of the closet’ and share your experiences, coincidences, visitations, encounters and dreams.
 A few experiences that have been shared with me:

A mother, (also an ER doctor) was almost home from work at 2:30am when she saw a large owl swoop down in front of her car…Without knowing why, she turned the car around and headed back towards the hospital, jumping on the highway to get there faster.  A few minutes from the exit she saw a car on the side of the road and realized suddenly it was her daughter’s car. She pulled over and discovered that the car had run out of gas while her daughter was on her way back from a wedding reception. The daughter thought mom had received her text, but mom’s phone was still in her locker at the hospital.

A Hospice nurse was attending a woman who was actively dying. Mrs. X, would occasionally wake and ask for her brother, who was on a flight in from California. The woman sat straight up, looked at the empty doorway with a radiant smile, said “There you are!” and died. They noted the time of death as 2:27ET.  Forty minutes later hospice received a phone call to notify them that Mrs. X’s brother who had had a lay-over in Denver, collapsed and died of a heart attack at the airport. He was pronounced dead at 2:25 ET.  The attending nurse was certain he’d come to get his sister.

There’s a former client who made or refused business deals (worth millions) based on whether or not he got the right sign from the universe. He was well -known for his ’nearly magical and uncanny’ business acumen. What people didn’t know was that he waited for a sign from pigeons. If he got the sign, he signed and if not, not. But for him, it was 100% reliable. Once, he was in a meeting on the 23rd floor of a building, negotiating with the CEO of a huge company that really wanted the deal. The CEO wanted him to sign right then and there- something this guy never ever did without a pigeon report. Just as he got up and walked towards the window to take a break from the meeting and grab a coffee, a pigeon smashed into the glass and plummeted 23 floors to the pavement. He did not sign, and oh yeah, that business went down the drain when the CEO was arrested for fraud later that year.

This is not coincidence. This is communication.  When we enter the woods, there is always a hand that can show us the way back home…I am reminding you that the world as you think it is, is  filtered by your beliefs and expectations. Seeing isn't mindedness allows deeper seeing.  Through these mysterious experiences you can have glimpses of the true nature of the complexity of the natural world and the magnificent nature of the being that you are.

If you have had unexplainable experiences feel free to share them with me. Send to:  I will listen with an open mind.  I have had plenty of edgy experiences myself, and my life has been shaped by them in remarkable ways.

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