Wednesday, March 22, 2017


We are all a little off, odd, even hinky in our individual ways. We each try to hide from others those peculiar idiosyncratic thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that we imagine might put people off, and may cause us not to be liked, accepted or loved.  This hiding does not serve us in any way, in fact, the cultural ‘norm’ that has us trying to protect our ‘image’ and strive (uselessly) to look ‘good’, is sabotage of the worst kind.

 We are each like a shopping cart with a wiggy-wheel!  Granted, some of us have wheels that wobble, squeak and drag more than others, but we ALL have them…and we’re all trying to go in a reasonably straightish line down the aisles of life without smashing through the displays or running each other over. That requires our attention, and there will be some mishaps along the way because life is messy. It’s sometimes peppered with the adventures we have while careening at breakneck speed through some part of life only half aware (if that)  what we’re doing. We flail, we crash, our wiggy wheel catches on a lover or a stranger and down we go. We forgive, hug, cry, laugh, make love, fight and do all the other messy things life offers.  And it’s all all right. We carry on.

If we embrace our seeming strangeness, and allow ourselves to not only accept, but have fun with the way our wheel squeals or pulls to the left, then something wonderful happens.   We reveal ourselves. Others get to know us. They put their guard down and we get to know them too. Ahhh. Intimacy. Not judgment and rejection. Acceptance and good humored alliance. What we were taught about image, political correctness, being  careful, and hiding our weirdness was ALL wrong information.  The more we reveal ourselves, the easier time we have navigating through this glorious marvel we call life. When we pull to the right and someone pulls to the left we know how to adjust. It’s when we try to hide how we are, then conflict and attempting to avoid conflict (which never works) becomes our lifestyle.

So relax. Squeak on. Let others know the ways in which you are jiggy and wiggy. Invite others to be straight with you too. Embrace that within yourself and others which makes us human, related, and kind.

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