Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Every Fall is a roller coaster for me. The highs include the pleasures of  leafy beauty, crisp air, apple picking, pumpkin carving and the many lovely  memories of fantastic Halloween parades, wild decorations, magnificent holiday feasts, and perfect true blue days with starry cold nights.

On the downside, through the years I have grieved many losses in the fall, especially in the past few years including the sudden passing of my long time BFF last September. In the past few months a local musician that I have known many years, a friend from the coffeehouse I frequent and a friend that started out at a client.
So fall also triggers my fears, it pokes me in tender places and reminds me of the empty places in my heart that once were filled with the sounds and smiles of people who have passed.

Since Fall is the time of transition as we head towards the darkness and silence of Winter, this reminder of what is good, and precious is welcome.  With the grieving comes a certain freedom, a permission to live fully, celebrate with glee and to love fiercely. The reminder that any day someone we love can be gone,  or maybe our own sudden passing will interrupt our plans...can be exactly the motivation we need to set aside what we pretend is important and attend to what is ACTUALLY important.

In any case, when the leaves turn it's a good time to reclaim that freedom we had in play in the leaves, dress up, enjoy our friends and play full on.

May Fall shower you with a bountiful harvest of pleasure and freedom to be exactly who you are.

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