Sunday, November 15, 2009

Notice, Interrupt, Replace, Repeat

Notice, Interrupt, Replace Repeat. This is the way we build a new set of thoughts, ideas and automatic beliefs and expectations to replace the ones that keep us experiencing the same tired old complaints over and over. To begin this process we need to recognize the old lame stories that we have been telling over and over, and we need enough emotional MoJo to turn the tide.
Your subconscious mind generates your experiences out of whatever you place the highest importance on. In the language of our minds, importance is not determined by logic or reason, but by repetition and emotional intensity. Here are a few typical examples of stories that we invest plenty of time and emotional energy in…thus…providing our subconscious mind with the raw materials out of which to generate our experiences. Here are a few common stories we tell

I’m too busy. I’m always busy. I have no time.
I was cheated on. All women cheat.
I was abused so I can’t accomplish anything in my life because of my past.
I can never succeed in life. It’s just not possible for ‘someone like me’.
I will never find a job I like. I have to take what I can get.
My father was an alcoholic. Just can’t trust men.
The ’real world’ sucks. Life is hard.

Step One - Recognize you’re telling a story : It is easier to point out the stories that other people are telling but a little bit harder to pinpoint the story you are telling. You may want to ask a friend to help with this step. Get over your resistance to giving it up by creating a new, useful story.

Step Two: Set an Intent:. This is the way to begin creating a better more powerful story.

Step Three: Create a vision of the future you wnt. Start telling that story instead
Step Four: Interrupt you story and replace that time and energy spent by talking about the vision of what you’re creating! Speak your intent powerfully into the world.
Step Five: Stop hanging out with people who continuously tell the same unhappy story. This is classic ‘birds of a feather’ syndrome and will pull you back into the mud. You will begin attracting different people in your life, people who support the new visions you have started telling.

Step Six: Create action steps and put them on a time line.

To keep yourself on the right road, hang out with people who already have some of the things you are looking to create in your own life. You can create whatever kind of life you want. To do so, it’s not enough to say a few affirmations. You MUST notice, interrupt, and redirect your thoughts behaviors and emotions enough to turn the tide. Then your new story will give your brilliant subconscious the tools to build that bright new road to the destiny you desire.

Hold a few new visions in your mind:

I can have an interesting well paying job that I enjoy.
The world is a place of wonder & possibility .
I meet people who accept and value me.
(Insert your new story here...)

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