Sunday, June 29, 2014


Most of our fears have nothing to do with what may harm us. We fear things because the sensations those triggers evoke are so damn unpleasant and uncomfortable and somehow familiar that we run away  (literally) or disappear inside our minds. Instead we can face and recover from the false mental messages and the jail our minds creates to 'protect' us.


People tend to think I’m pretty fearless, but I'm not. I’m here to tell ya, that ever since that damn accident, I have noticed a plethora of triggers that have stopped me repeatedly from doing things I otherwise have enjoyed doing.  Yeah sure, the accident WAS life threatening, but many of the fears appear to be unrelated…though I know they are a direct result of the feelings of powerlessness, abandonment, helplessness and physical weakness, physical threat and terror of not being protected from harm.
 This combo reactivated my childhood safety mechanism I call “ Elvis Has Left The Building”…meaning that I exit my experience, turn unconsciously away from the ‘threat’ and then listen to- and believe the bullshit story &  rationalization that my mind creates.  Worked great in childhood…now- not so much.


It took me months to finally recognize what the hell was going on with me, since I was avoiding and rationalizing myself out of doing things that I really wanted to do.  I have been avoiding people- especially avoiding meeting NEW people and doing familiar things.  Hadn’t been playing music- at all, I mean didn’t even pick up the guitar until 2 months ago. I joined the local Irish American Club in October and have gone to events 0 times. And they’re literally 2 blocks away.       I can’t even tell you how many stories I told myself to keep myself away. And from what?  From meeting new people, enjoying Celtic music, getting free drumming lessons,  having people to play cards with…’ neighborhood.  Nor had I gone back to my weekly game night, yoga class, accepted invites to sing, been feeling afraid to go for an evening walk- and though I’ve never enjoyed crowds, I’ve even been extra aware of people at the gym for cryin’ out loud! 


Finally, a few weeks ago I realized what was going on. Since then I have played and performed music again, re-upped my membership to the IAC, gone to yoga, taken several evening walks, gone to the gym during the ‘busy’ time…and  was rewarded when the Muse showed up with a new song in the middle of the night- that I actually got up and wrote instead of rolling over. 


Was I ‘fearless’ doing these things. Hell, no! But to have the life I want- and to take back my life- I had to push through those fears, speak to my very young self who showed up in my dreams, and also make some real changes in my life to satisfy myself that should I ever need help or an advocate in the future, I know who to call on to keep me safe.  In other words I recognized that the sudden  fear of people was a road sign that got my attention thoroughly and in a bizarre and unpleasant way.

So, I ask you…what within you  that screams ‘Danger, Will Robinson!’ , is really a memo from you to you? What can you do to feel the fear and act anyway? How can you look at your life and see if any real time action is needed to satisfy that message?  The things that frighten us are road signs that remind us to grow up, take back our power, surround ourselves with allies and find the freedom beyond the fear. 

If you go through life and allow yourself to be controlled by your fear of anger, abandonment, rejection, and justify an inability to speak up or take a stand or tell the truth in a clear direct way, then you will never have the life you could have…never be the person you dreamed you could be.
That's  a terrible crime- a waste of our precious opportunity to really be who we are full un, for our own happiness and also as our contribution to the world.


 We all have fears…I invite you to do/be/say the things that frighten you. And if you need someone to cheer you on, or to push you out of your fake safety built from rationalizations…so that you can feel the wind on your face when you fly…you have my number.



Death Cafe's photo.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Raven. I have been struggling with facing those things which seem overwhelming ...especially since January. We all struggle, we all suffer...and we so easily forget that and can become consumed by fear and hopelessness. We are not programmed to accept "what is" but we can learn to - not easy though.
