Wednesday, June 4, 2014


First, a bit of catching up…Sorry I dropped out of sight last month, I had some great ideas for blog posts, but couldn’t seem to ever be near the computer (or even paper) when I did.  Two days after my last blog post, on April 16th I became a Grandma!  Isadora Rose was born at 4:39pm weighing in at lucky 7lbs 11oz! And yes, I was there attending the birth- it was an awe inspiring experience. So the past 6 weeks have been full of activity and new baby magic!


Now…down to what has been on my mind for the last week…where I'm at today all because one night against my better judgment, I decided to take out the trash, which led to a little drive...

One year ago on May 24th I was in an accident, hit by a drunk driver, totaled my car and ended up in a wheelchair for three months.  Here I am One Year Later…and as with all things, life goes on. But life is not the same. I can count on one hand the number of nights I have slept soundly without being awakened by pain.  My stamina is still pretty crappy, even though I’m back at the gym swimming and lifting weights. I was utterly uninformed and, I might add, delusional about how long the healing process would and will take. Additionally, I have taken a big hit to my income, and have not been able to promote The Book of How which came out just weeks before the accident. Workshops and book signings were canceled, some of which being opportunities that will not come again. I am just now starting to feel that I have the energy to begin again. And I have plans...and have had lots of time to acquaint myself with my deep desires.

 First, I’m looking forward to new and revived work projects,  and to a vacation…(when the settlement finally…settles) and I am definitely stretching myself, planning to do things I have denied myself…like taking a program at the Monroe Institute, traveling to Scotland & Ireland to my Celtic roots, going to South Dakota just because it calls me,  getting out to the Serpent Mound here in Ohio ..I have a long list, this just scratches the surface... These are some of the things I’ve been putting off for a zillion reasons that all seemed good at the time but no longer hold water.
I want more pleasure, more time with friends, travel to interesting places. I want to meet and marry the man that’s right for me. Yes- there I said it…I want a partner to play with. That one I put off by telling myself I needed to be here ‘for my kids’ who are, for cryinoutloud 30 & 34 years old now. Enough already!  Hell, I may even give up coaching and open a B & B, or an organic restaurant…or something…yes…been thinking about that, too. I feel a tug in that direction.

The accident broke apart a set of illusions I didn’t even know were keeping me from having a richer, deeper, more exciting and pleasurable life. All gone now. And for that I’m glad, though I am asking the Change Gods (daily) to deliver on my requests for Transformation with a softer hand (rather than a backhand LOL) in the future. 

So…where might YOU be stuck in some really logical reasonable snares? What does your heart sing about, that your mind ignores?  Who would you be if you let yourself really just do what you wanted to do?   
If you had an accident that put you out of commission for  a year, or had to deal with cancer or fight your way back from a stroke…what experiences would you want to have now, just in case you didn’t make it out alive? 

Well my friends, I urge you to put those life-changing thoughts down on paper today with an action plan, a time line, and a friend to kick your ass to the moon if you try to talk yourself out of the Bigger Life that is calling you.   

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