Monday, September 14, 2009

Bodies and Planets

If you subscribe to the 'spiritual thinking' that we are not our bodies, but merely 'live inside' our bodies, I am inviting you to wake the hell up. The YOU that you know yourself to be, does not exist without your body. Period. Calm down. I am not suggesting that life ends when we die, but I AM making a clear direct and factual statement, that we are beings expressing ourselves AS bodied personalities in this world. Who or whatever we are or become once our bodies rot to dust is distinctly different from this person that you know yourself to be today. It's not spiritual to IGNORE THE FACTS, it's merely's another place to hide out and pretend that listening to the messages our bodies give us are second class citizens, and in our hubris, when we put mind above body, work above rest, repression above common sense...we are setting ourselves up for failure or suffering or sickness.

We ARE our bodies and our bodies ARE spiritual. they are absolutely amazing intelligent biological wonders...and we ignore them, trash them and use them for garbage receptacles. Did you know that the worlds longest living people are those with the least psychological stress and the most physical stress. And I don't mean people living out awful subsistent lives. I mean vital happy people who have, fop centuries lived in communities of support in which family, food, community and work are seamlessly woven together. Read the book The Blue Zones if you want more info about that.

SO...OK...let's just sit back then and poison the planet, create an early exit for ALL humans based on our own ignorance and stupidity…oh wait...that’s what we’ve been doing! Don't think for a SECOND that ignoring your body is not connected to ignoring the state of the planet. Bodies and planets alike are spirit, energy, god-stuff -whatever you want to label it..expressing itself AS matter. You, me, the sun, Jupiter...all and everything is God-stuff/Goddess-stuff. I invite you to wake up and treat yourself and your world accordingly.

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