Monday, October 7, 2013


How many times have you heard someone say "Life is hard.." ? (sigh).. I usually ask the question, "Compared to what?" Really. Think about that for a minute or three. Or try this one : " How are you making life so hard?"  That's a conversation stopper, I'll tell ya.

For most of us most of the time, certain events can be frustrating, annoying, less than perfect, or slow to sort out, but rarely is life 'Hard' unless we make it so. Sure, things happen. Accidents and deaths are part of life. Job loss and broken relationships, too. Definitely these can be real curve balls, setbacks and downers that we have to get through, recover from and digest as part of life. Usually though, everyday life for most of us comes complete with a place to live, food on the table, clothes, income and friends or family that we can rely on when those curve balls come.

Life is only hard when we put the majority of our attention on whatever isn't the way we want it to be or think it 'should' be.  Some people compare their lives to some idealized fairytale version of life that isn't likely to become anyone's reality.

Sure, sure, problems get smaller when we have more money, and everyone wants to be loved and feel useful. True. But to say that "Life is Hard" because you have to work, or don't have the guts to quit a job you hate or the nerve to leave a tormented relationship, or because your friend got an inheritance and you envy her...well that's all just petty.

If you doubt for a second that you have it good, just think about-or research- your grandparents or great-grandparents lives. When you have a little reality under your belt, come back and ask yourself how you can honor your ancestors by celebrating the ease, the choices, and the abundance you tend to ignore or take for granted each day..

I have talked to people with very little money, who have experienced tragedy after tragedy, that have felt blessed and lucky because they had their health, intelligence and a rook (though sometimes not much else) over their heads. I have on the same day, spoken with others with an abundance of money, homes and cars paid for, whined and complained about how hard life is because someone was granted something in their spectacularly expensive divorce settlement that was 'unfair'.

Life's what you make it. If you are hard on yourself or others, or live by 'comparison', let me tell you, life will seem very hard indeed. If, on the other hand you acquire the skills of  following your desires, treating yourself with kindness and taking time to really see, feel and appreciate the myriad of things that go right each day, I promise you will realize that you have plenty of evidence of ease and grace every day of your life. Life is as hard as you make it.

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