Monday, September 5, 2016


When we are taught to be obedient, rather than how to be self-referent thinkers, our common sense and inner moral compass , as well as our health and happiness is at risk. Obedience turns us into zombiis- it dampens our humanity and robs us of our faith in our own ability to notice and respond authentically.  What, you say? We neeeed obedience? No. Not blind obedience, absolutely not. 

 Even children in primary school can learn cooperation and communication rather than blind obedience. Sure…there are a few (very few) circumstances in which obedience is life saving : fire drills, military operations, imminent tornado or flood warnings…but these are the exception rather than the rule.  This kind of knee-jerk obedience is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a healthy way to live.

The worst part is that so many people believe that they are not blindly obedient, when they obviously are. Obedience is an old and deeply rooted  pattern that we are indoctrinated with from a very early age. We are told in implicit and explicit ways to ‘Do what your parents, teachers, doctors, clergy, religion, leaders say…because they know better than you do what is good and right for you.’ This is a dangerous and life sucking lie.
Ask yourself honestly how often you really check in with your OWN mind and gut to make decisions rather than defer to your spouse, parent, doctor, media, magazine articles…blabla bla…to TELL you what to do. If you are honest with yourself you might just look in the mirror and see a sheep looking back.  There are lots of Sheeple. Do not resign yourself to that life.

People who know how to think on their own are not victims, they  are the authors- the authority- in their own lives. They learn from their mistakes, think critically, use their intuitive senses, and fact-check before believing any ‘authority’ blindly.  Do not blindly trust any authority. History is written by the winners, and even medical ‘facts’ are revised or reversed with shocking regularity.  Look at the political and religious idiots (throughout history and currently) who blindly obey the dictates of their party or their faith in direct opposition to  common sense and basic human kindness.

Please, be a rebel. Start today.  Do not join the shadow people who wait for permission that will never come. Permission can only come from within you.  The rules of obedience can turn you into a helpless, hopelessly lost zombie always in search of someone else’s brain to make your decision. Stop it. Right now.  Begin by looking deeply at the rules, beliefs, and ideas that keep you in a loop of repeating (or tolerating) behaviors that don’t work for you.  Rebel. Just say NO. Make your preferences clear. Start somewhere…you can change anything- your schedule, job, wardrobe, spouse, hairstyle, babysitter, bank, residence, doctor, diet, hobbies, friends…whatever. Just begin.

We are born with permission to be fully alive, to make our own choices, and to be happy, playful, creative Beings. We do not require permission from any outside authority to have the lives we want to have. Get the disease of blind obedience out of your life, and I promise you, much pleasure and joy will come your way.

(For a painful and frightening look at obedience, read about the Milgram research.)

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