Friday, August 21, 2009

How to Take Action and Resolve Fear

Familiarity is sometimes not your friend. It’s a way to step over the fear of change and ignore doing something that can truly set you free. Familiarity is what keeps a battered woman from leaving the man that may eventually beat her to death. Familiarity and false safety is what feeds the thoughts that get someone to ignore symptoms until they find themselves at deaths' door. It keeps people in high stress jobs wasting years of life and destroying their health through relentless stress.
Listen closely: Anything New Will Generate Fear. Anything that Challenges Old Assumptions that were once associated with survival (whether it was truly a risk or not) will generate Panic and Fear. It’s OK..Let it be… and it will let go and let you be.
FEAR is just a sensation. If there is no ‘real and present danger’ l(say, a guy with a gun) when you challenge your assumptions. Fear about what people will think of you or whether someone will approve, is an illusion created by your mind to hold your image intact at the expense of your well-being.. This is a big reason why people lie and manipulate…in an attempt to control what others think. The way out? Feel the fear and take the new action. When you do not resist it, you can feel those knots, remind yourself that you are well and on the Right Road…and the sensations (the fear) will resolve and fade as you take action. If you resist the fear, feed the fear, make yourself wrong for having the fear,let it stop you from doing what you want, or make the fear wrong for showing up… well…that’ll just make those sensations stick around longer.
So…here is the way OUT:Feel the fear. BREATHE. Notice on a scale of 1-10 how intense the sensations are. Put your awareness RIGHT THERE IN THE CENTER OF THE SENSATIONS. And breathe. Breathe again. Thank your body for having a warning system. Remind yourself that this fear is NOT about survival. It’s about keeping what always was in place. Breathe AND think of your manifest intent. Let the pleasure of your desires, mingle with, talk to…seduce…the fear. Breathe. Now, take that action, tell that truth, quit that job, ask for the raise, make the request…and life will shift for the better…all because you made accepted and moved through that fear.

“The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.” - M. Scott Peck

Through persistent practice, we teach ourselves how to quiet the relentless busy mind enough, so that the real information that springs eternal as the ‘small still voice’ from the deep mind can be noticed. It can then guide us back toward the balance point at which, whatever we say we want (health, ease of mind. Love, abundance, friends, money) always already exists.

Think of learning to ride a bike or drive a car…or your first kiss…REALLY pretty frightening, right? I mean sometimes so frightening we just think “ Oh…that’s OK I’d rather not ..” but then, because we WANT THE RESULT , we go ahead and get back on that bike, back in that car…and before long…we’re riding down hills with ‘no hands’ , driving at 70 mph while listening to the radio and thinking about our date…and we have by then certainly moved on from that first kiss to other delicious and sometimes equally frightening sensual pleasures.
SO…if you waited for the fear to ‘go away’ you’d STILL be a virgin riding the bus!

Yet, you have managed to, with practice, reduce the fear by repeating the action while you were afraid, enough times, that confidence replaced the scary scenarios your mind was so thoughtfully generating to ‘protect you’. Right? Putting your busy mind on the task of taking action, serves the purpose of that driving instructor, or the parent running along side your bike when the training wheels came off. Being ‘forced’ out of your comfort zone is EXACTLY what makes your brain build new connectors, frees you from the past history or current thoughts of limitation and gives you a greater taste of the “Heaven on Earth” that’s right here, right now, right behind the beliefs and expectations that hold the current undesirable circumstances in place. So… Breathe…keep going…you’re on the Right Road.

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