Friday, August 7, 2009

Real Intelligence Requires Both of Our Minds

When instinct and intelligence combine, the powerful creative matrix in the Neo Cortex open us to fields of creative power through which experiences are generated consciously. When operating with intellect alone, untempered by the instructive and potent force of emotional intelligence which is underwritten by our subconscious as instinctive body knowledge, we are capable of turning our amazing Reality Making machinery into suffering, pain and death producing equipment. Moralism, hate, terrorism genocide, war, misogyny, suicide, and murder result from our collective agreement to put intellect before all other forms of intelligence. It is a grave mistake that in the broadest sense costs lives, and in our daily experience, costs us joy, pleasure, relationships and satisfaction as we struggle against our own inner compass, our internal gyroscope, which is ever leading us back towards health, wholeness, relatedness, being and love.

The universe, including reality as we know it, is energy which vibrates at certain frequencies which allow us to perceive that energy as solid matter. This isn’t some woo-woo New Age idea, it’s not even as complex as Quantum Physics, it’s basic Einstein. E=MC2

We make a fundamental error when we assume that our consciousness, our awareness of Self is somehow located only in our brain/mind. The larger Self that we are, is actually non-local, and appears to us in part, through what we experience and attract. Think of your brain/mind as a receiver and a transformer. Like a TV or radio it picks up frequencies and translates them into what we can see and hear. Our mind does not contain the Self, but allows us to Appear in this experience we call solid reality. Mind boggling? Absolutely.

We are (literally) of two minds. We need them both. The operating system of the Left Mind perceives time and is linear, logical, analytical, interpretive, fears death and scans for what is ‘not like me’. This is a good and useful evolutionary tool along with the drive to be ‘right’, considering that our ancestors were the ones who were right about knowing that the tigers were already living in the cave we thought might make a nice place to call home. However, the Other mind we have is also vitally important and in our Right Mind’s operating system we are timeless, eternal and connected to all things everywhere. This mind gives us gut feelings, and knowledge that is not limited by time or space.
Though the discussion which develops this idea fully has been scientifically validated, it is too lengthy a conversation for this article. Suffice to say that knowing a landscape, a weather pattern of where a herd of animals lived was also a vital part of what our ancestors were capable of that helped us survive.

When we know someone is looking at us, sense the ambiance of a room in which a fight has just taken place or feel suddenly drawn to a new place only to run into an old friend there...this ability is cooperating with our conscious awareness.
Try this…

Point to yourself. Go on. Right now. Point to yourself. OK. Where did you point? To your knee, head, foot? No. To your heart. You know that the Being that you are is communicating in and through the area of your heart. That is the place where your two brains meet. The conscious and subconscious, the right and left, the paranoid analyzer and the powerful god/goddess. Your body then, is ‘where the action is’, as the dance between our two minds is played out in our heartbeat, on our skin, in our gut and essentially in every cell.

The Left Minded self focuses on intellect, lives by referencing the in the past and often fears the future, scanning the horizon for potential threats. The Right Minded self lives in the present and creates the future, scanning the horizon and seeing only expressions of itself. Intelligence is the ability to know, accept and embrace BOTH selves.
Enlightenment occurs to the degree that communication and cooperation between the two aspects of self is developed so that our experience is a both/and rather than an either/or existence. Enlightenment is the place in which paradox makes sense.

In knowing ourselves as an integral function of a multi-faceted Human Family Self, we evolve into beings whose actions, without struggle, are honest, intentional and grounded in Compassion. From this state we can no more go to war or allow destruction of our environment than we can stab our own hand. Intelligence, not intellect must dominate If our individual and collective lives are to be freed from the suffering caused by the illusions we live into. From EVOLUTION’S END byJoseph Chilton Pearce

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