Thursday, July 9, 2009

Intention and Using Your Whole Brain

Well once again I am just about to enter teaching the third week of The Intent Group and already we are having some amazing insights revelations and concree results. I am surprised and pleased by how much I get my own ass kicked into gear by participating as a group member even though I'm facilitating the program. The 'Two Minds" we have are extremely powerful when they work cooperatively, and screw up our lives royally when we don't listen to the wisdom of each inner perspective.

There are ‘two of us’ in each of us…a left brain based conscious mind with a linear focus of awareness and a right brain based subconscious with an all knowing, non-local awareness.
You are like a lighthouse, with the ‘local’ awareness being what view one can see out of one lighthouse window, while what you ‘really are’ is the entire 360 view.
Another image : consider that you are a pulsing consciousness…like a heartbeat…LUB-now we’re ‘here’ and DUB-now we’re everywhere/everywhen.
During the LUB or conscious ‘in time’ awareness we just cant hold all that other info at once so the mind and beliefs and expectation filter out much of what is available. However, in the ‘DUB’ or subconscious side of our awareness, everything is available. This is how/why you may suddenly see/know information from the past or the future. The aperture between the two sides of our consciousness is open and can, with practice, be utilized more consciously.

It's not right brain over left or left over right- WE NEED THE WHOLE DAMN BRAIN working cooperatively or as it is said..." A house divided against itself..."
And that's what's going on when we "hold an intent" and well...NOTHING HAPPENS...
we ned the thoughts, emotions and dare I say ACTIONS to be in agreement before a pile of dirt and seed can become a garden.

Imagine that for every intent, there is an already completed manifest outcome.
Your thoughts, beliefs, expectations, behaviors…are the forces that guide your inner GPS…ALL roads are already there…the ones that take you to the outcome quickly and the ones that take you there eventually and the ones that take you somewhere else completely and the ones that take you really close…but no banana…
These “roads” are the pathways through time and space that your GPS, when you put in the coordinates properly, will unfailingly take you to. HOWEVER, this inner system, run by the mind/body energy, will deposit you on whichever road best matches the existing parameters of your thoughts, expectations, beliefs and actions. This is why if you WANT something BADLY, the energy of WANTING , which is actually focused on the “not having” creates more of itself. In other words, you are unintentionally programming for the road of longing for the thing or experience. SO…the trick is to clearly image the end result as if you already have it, vividly see, taste, touch, feel how you feel with your desire fulfilled, and revel in the sensations of satisfaction this process generates. Like a magnet…you will find yourself on the path through space/time, and your thoughts/beliefs/actions etc…will become aligned.

This is a CONSCIOUS process, in which you will learn to cooperate with the vast capacity of your R-brain and it’s deep subconscious processing. Whole brain. You need the whole damn brain aimed in the right direction. It’s not hard…when you reach for a pen, pick up the phone, get out of bed, get in your car…an enormous number of alignments occur all initiated by intent. You know how to do this so quickly that it is invisible to you…EXCEPT when you just can’t seem to get something to happen…THEN the place to look is all about what is out of alignment…learn to ask what am I thinking/feeling/expecting/doing that does NOT support the outcome I say I want? When you get that piece, the rest is cake!

Anyway...just reminding myself...and use your noodle...all of it...and then will sort itself out in our favor.

1 comment:

  1. I listened to my other mind yesterday... I got myself totally pissed off after being on with 2 tech support experts... they both said I have to reload my operating system and all the other stuff in my computer which is a royal pain in my ass. So my intuition said there's something else to be done and it ain't here so I choose to lay out in the sun and read my book for an hour and came up with the bright idea that the clear solution is to restart the computer... and so it was. The simplest solution does it again.
