Thursday, July 16, 2009

Reduce Stress, Get More Sleep

Stress and Sleep go hand in hand. I mean, how much can you sleep if you fave flight/fight chemicals coursing through your veins, right?

It takes a while to wind down, sure, but if you tell yourself you HAVE to sleep less, MUST do more, and SHOULD be able to are asking for a Brick-To-The-Head event to help you get the memo to
S L O W D O W N.

If you are stressed, you require good regular sleep to recover. There will ALWAYS be something else to do, someone else with expectations, another task, job, meal, person to take care of...but let's face cold hard facts:
Without you, everyone would adjust and life would go on with just as much 'stuff' for the next person to do...or not do. You can enjoy your life, or drive yourself batty between here and the grave so, honestly, why don't you get a good night's sleep and let your mind and body recharge.

We NEED enough restful sleep to balance our hormones (yes, even you men), to clear out wastes, to repair cells, to recharge our brain, to discharge and work out emotional issues ...and so much more... so PLEASE go to bed. Create a bedtime routine that signals you to wind down and rest. Walk, meditate, watch a little boob-tube, read a book, do some yoga...brush, floss... whatever tells your mind and body it's time to go nite-nite. If you have trouble getting or staying asleep, check out these basics.

Here are some suggestions to help you Sleeeeeeeeeep

Noise, even fairly low level affects sleep because our Old Reptilian Brains stay on guard in case the noise ends up being an animal or an intruder. This is why TV’s in the bedroom make for lousy sleep and lucid dreaming. Try ear plugs if your neighbors are loud or your dog (or mate)snores. If you have small kinds and need to hear them, be sure you nap or meditate each day to help your system make up for that light restless sleep at night.

Light level is another critical factor in deep sleep and REM sleep. Too much light (for some, even a night light is too much) affects the percentage of brain chemicals that cause us to enter and exit sleep mode. Light in the bedroom is another hindrance to solid sleep. Use dark curtains, or try a satin blackout eye band. $4 at any drugstore or Target.

Room too hot. Fresh cool air and good air circulation also play a role in sound solid sleep. When we sleep our bodies are working hard eliminating toxins and cleansing the system. When it’s too hot, some of those processes are affected, again making for restless sleep and not enough REM time.

Eating before bed. Goes without saying that any food taken within 3 hours of bedtime will be digesting which also interferes with a good night’s sleep.

Not enough exercise. Lots of the time we exercise our mouths and our minds all the livelong day, and feel exhausted, but cannot settle down. Well, DUH...your body needs to be tired. Your body REQUIRES good sweaty exercise to discharge all that chemical stew you've been storing up all day. Just do it. Before dinner or after dinner...a bike ride, 45 minutes of cardio, a run, dancing, exceptionally energetic sex...whatever it takes...just give your body the work out it needs and I promise you that you won't be sorry.

Well, there are plenty of other sleep tips, but these ought to get you started...hell...I'm tired just writing about it...think I'll go meditate.

OH...The July Issue of Stress Wizard's Reality Check E-Newsletter is out. If you'd like to get it, just drop me a line with your email address.

Happy Napping...

1 comment:

  1. Cool thanks Rave... it's a good reminder... Is there someone on this blog that can help me get notifications in my email when Rave post something new?
