Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Recognizing Stress & Some Quick Fixes

A comment came in with a question about how to recognize signs of stress and what to do to relieve it quickly. So...here we go. First of all, what we think of as stress is the product of many small stress filled moments that are unrelenting. In other words , with 'normal" stress, there is a specific event (a mugger jumps out of the shadows) , and the chemistry that our brilliant mindbody produces gives us the ability to run like the wind or fight like a Ninja. the running and/or fighting uses up the energy produced by the fight/flight chemicals and we experience a recovery phase in which our basic functions like digestion, come back on line.

When we get easily annoyed, pissed off. irritated, judgmental and well, generally live in a hothouse of deadlines, time constraints, pressure and crazy making circumstances, we make little doses of the same fight/flight chemicals All Day Long. We have not however run a marathon or fought off 6 muggers, so we start to fry (literally) and experience stress related symptons.

These may include:
Trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep, pushing elevator buttons that are already lit, anger on long lines in a store, feelings of overwhelm, restlessness, feelings of dread, IBS, constipation, lack of appetite, constant appetite, craving for salty/sweet foods or fats, irritability, fatigue, afternoon crash, acid reflux, skin problems, busy mind, forgetfulness, phobias, mild paranoia, road rage, jittery legs, inability to sit still, trouble waking up, overuse of coffee, red bull, sugar and other stimulants...and well...you get the point ...

Now, here are the top quick stress relievers that will bring down the levels of adrenanine and cortisol running wild in the streets of your inner landscape, and will cet loose the good balancing chemicals and hormones that let you breathe, digest your food and sleep ...ahhhh
1. Ten slow deep breaths. Really slow. With ALL of your attention on the sensations of breathing. If you do this every hour it will make a big difference,because it signals your brain to reduce the flight/fight teram.
2. Meditation . Any form guided, counting breaths, TM...whatever floats your boat. Learn it and do it for 20 minutes, even if you have to fir it in as a break or during lunch. before or after work does wonders also.
3. Exercise. Yes people real good old fashioned SWEAT is a big stress buster because (like running and fighting) it lets your body put the F/F team to good use, lifing, bike riding, swimming...whatever. But I don't mean wimpy half-assed pretend work outs, I mean real deal sweaty serious exercise. Get thee to a personal trainer if you have stress...or at least get a whop-ass video.
4. Music. Playing loud music, singing along or playing an instrument. All of these reduce stress and balance the brain.
5. Touch. Hugs. Massage. Wild sex. Good and good for changing the chemical channel .
6. Back to Basics Self Care: Eat whole foods every four hours and eliminate sugar, white flour and artificial sweetners. Stress burns out your system, eats up vitamin stores and generally screws up your immuine system. You NEED whole foods to restore your fried system if you have lots of stress. Quit moaning about how hard it is! It's no harder to carry an apple or banana than it is a candy bar or bag of chips, but it makes a HUGE difference to your body.
7. Laughter. really...tell jokes, rent comedy videos and take a minute or two to watch something funny on utube. This will also make a significant difference in your stress level.
8. Quit Pretending! Speak up! Stop staying 'yes' when you mean 'no' Ask for what you want, stop saying you are great when you feel like crap, and ask for freakin help when you need it. Start small and work your way up to the big stuff. You can doo eeeet.

OK...there are plenty more stress busting practices and habits but here are the 8 top tidbits that may not only help you get through the day but may even prevent that stress from taking years off you life and robbing you of life from your years!

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