Thursday, July 23, 2009

Becoming The Person we Wish to Be

When people say “ That’s Just The Way I Am” it’s not only a lie but it’s the worst excuse on record.
The plasticity of our brain allows us to be and become the way we imagine ourselves to be. It’s only when we laboriously and doggedly reinforce the same old stuff that we find ourselves to be stuck in the same old rut with the same old excuses year after year.
Who do you want to be? To be like? What experiences would you love to have? How do you stop yourself, lie to yourself and use your fears as excuses to suppress your desires?
What if the jail of your mind were open, would you escape? Well it IS open, and you are the jailer.

‘Who we are’ changes, evolves, shifts. Memories are altered to fit our beliefs and expectations and under stress we uncover strengths and weaknesses we never dreamed were part of our personality. Even our likes and dislikes, beliefs, values, expectations change. Trying to ‘find yourself’ is like holding sand. No matter how hard you grip, most of it will slip between your fingers. The only way to ‘know who you are’ is to be present in the moment often, observe your thoughts and actions, accept how you are wired and then , in ‘knowing who you are in this moment’ you have some say-so in what future moments may look like.
The more we can notice and respond, the less we react, resist and fight.

Observe, accept, self correct…and we, through time become a blend of the person we aspire to be and the wiring we got through our upbringing. We can become exactly the person our gut tells us lives deep within our awareness…that strong, brave, kind, creative soul we’d like to be remembered as. You are not a prisoner of your personality. Your personality is just a template that you have the power to rearrange.

You can use imagery deliberately, to creatively alter, upgrade, transform the person you know yourself to be.
How would your life change if you did more what you enjoyed instead of what you thought you “should” do, put more time into helping yourself over helping others for now, and consciously removed from your life that which does not support your health and well being? Enter a reality in which you experience a day in your life that is an expression of this more self aware, satisfied version of yourself.

What if, instead of explaining, justifying and defending, you simply took action that benefited you and let the chips fall where they may?

Here’s a practice for Becoming A New You:
Every day for at least 6 weeks, Spend 15 minutes in a daydream ( meditation, visualization) in which you practice having experiences in which you act with clarity and feel powerful and happy as things work out quickly and well. You get the job, or the girl or the raise…you’ve been resigned to not having. Feel the outcome in your bones, because THAT’S what informs your subconscious to move you towards that experience. Suspend your lies about “the way things are” (and the way YOU are) long enough to revel in the joy of being and having for those 15 minutes. Then, let that developing inner version of yourself inform your thoughts, your decisions, and you can walk out of jail, free to have the life you want.

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